I will be in Cincinnati, Ohio this November at the Victory of Light Psychic Festival! Not only will I be available for one-on-one readings, but I will also be giving two talks and have my debut book, Journeying Between the Worlds: Walking with the Sacred Spirits through Native American Teachings and Practices, available, which I am happy to sign for you between readings.

All readings are done in the traditional Native American way as it has been for thousands of years. Every session begins and ends with a blessing. I consult with your personal Guardian Spirit and helpers, and mine. According to Native American beliefs, the Great Spirit gives us all life lessons to learn, but how we express them is up to us. Individuals have power over their own destiny. These consultations will focus on your Life Lessons, the different Paths ahead of you, and the energy that surrounds you.
With this knowledge, you can empower yourself to make your own best decisions.
Please feel free to record your session; be sure to have a recording app on your fully-charged smartphone or recording device.
To schedule a reading with me at the festival in advance, please visit the Shop.
Note: Appointments are not required prior to the festival, but they are highly recommended. Schedule your reading today to guarantee your session.
I look forward to seeing you there!
Many blessings,
Eagle Skyfire