Saturday, December 14, 11am – 12:30pm
Please arrive by 10:45am so that we may start the event on time
Willow Oak Farmstead
40 Christman Road, Kutztown, PA 19530

Winter is almost here, and I invite you to listen to the Native American Teachings of this season, and to visit the sacred Medicine Wheel at the Willow Oak Farmstead. I also will share a personal message for you from the sacred spirits of the Medicine Wheel. In Native American teachings, the Winter Solstice is one of the most Powerful days of the year. This is one out of four times throughout the year that people are permitted to come and pray at this sacred site.
A community pot luck will follow the celebration so that you may spend time getting to know the Community. Please bring a covered dish to share!
Note: The teachings of the Winter Solstice will be held inside followed by an outdoor visit to the Medicine Wheel. The potluck celebration will then be held indoors afterwards. Please dress accordingly. No electronic devices are allowed at the Wheel.
Registration is required so that you may be contacted in case of inclement weather.
For more information and to register, contact Willow Oak Farmstead at 484-866-2816 or visit their website.