Due to the Corona virus large gatherings public or private are forbidden until the crisis is over. Below is the update for each venue. I will post any changes as the I become aware of them.
National & International Private Readings & Mentoring
These services are available and you can schedule an appointment for readings via. my website. Readings are every Tuesday. Friday appointments will begin this week and will be offered from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM until the Corona Virus crisis ends. If you want a reading this Friday please contact me since the website’s calendar is not programmed yet. If you are interested in private mentoring please email me through my website with your goals and times when we can connect to discuss further details and terms. https://eagleskyfire.com/shopping/
March 21st: Medicine Wheel Gathering at Willow Oak Farmstead in Kutztown, Pa. will be cancelled. The next gathering will be on Friday, June 19th at 6:30PM Here is their link: https://www.willowoakfarmstead.com/
March 28th & 29th: Spirit of Ones Holistic Expo. will be rescheduled in the Autumn. The new date of this expo. is TBA. However, on this weekend they will host a virtual gathering and many of the vendors and practitioners will be present throughout the weekend to offer their products, services, and wisdom. I will be offering a free meditation. Use the link below to see when my video will be aired. The schedule will be posted by March 26th. I hope that you’ll take advantage and join me for this uplifting and unique event! https://www.heartofonenessholisticexpo.com/
April 4th & 5th: Victory of Light in Cincinnati, Oh. will be canceled. I will be there for their Autumn show on November 21st & 22nd. I hope you will join me as I present a workshop based on my brand new book titled Finding Home Within the Heart of the Earth: Creating a Harmonious Space with the Energy of the Earth. The book will be available for purchase at the expo. I will be giving away a copy of it and will gladly sign your copy.