Moonstone & Sage
288 Lancaster Ave, Malvern, PA 19355
Please join me this Saturday and Sunday at Moonstone & Sage for a weekend of tune-ups, meditation, and one-on-one private readings.
Saturday, May 2
The weekend will begin with Shamanic “tune-ups” Saturday from 9:00 am – 9:45 am. These are 10-minute sessions designed to clear energy, call in the teaching animals who will help to guide and watch over you that month, and show you how to best move with the energies for calm, peace and success. Also, you will receive shamanic healing, and energy to help restore personal power. Each session is $30. Read more…
From 10am – 11am, gather with friends at the Monthly Medicine Wheel Meditation where we celebrate the 13 moons of the year together. The Medicine Wheel is the symbol of the spiritual path of Native Americans. It is both a natural and spiritual calendar. Monthly gatherings and meditations are held to become more attuned with the natural world, create stronger bonds of community, and gain personal insights to guide you in that Moon. Come share fellowship with kindred spirits while growing more harmonious with Earth Mother and all our Relations. The meditation is $30/person. Read more…
The Medicine Wheel: An In-Depth Study class will begin at 11:15pm and lasts an hour until 12:15pm. This class is designed to help you learn about the Keepers of the Wheel as well as going deeper into the teachings and meditations. The class discussions are all targeted to each of you who are developing your own personal medicine wheel. Read more…
Saturday will end with 15-, 25-, or 55-minute one-on-one private readings from 12:45pm – 4:00 pm. You can choose from a Reading of the Earth, Spirit, or Harmony. When scheduling your appointment, please note which reading you prefer as this will help me better prepare for your reading. Please feel free to record your session; be sure to have a recording app on your fully-charged smartphone or recording device. Read more…
Sunday, May 3
Sunday begins with Shamanic “tune-ups” from 10am – 11am. Read more…
And finally, I will be available for 15-, 25-, or 55-minute one-on-one private readings from 11:15 pm – 4:00 pm. Please feel free to record your session and be sure to have a recording app on your fully-charged smartphone or recording device. Read more…
To schedule your appointment with me, call Moonstone & Sage at 610-644-2202.
I am excited for this weekend and look forward to seeing you at Moonstone & Sage!
Many blessings,
Eagle Skyfire