
Eagle Skyfire is a powerful Shaman, Seer and Tradition Keeper honed by legacy and experience to become a sought after teacher, reader, spiritual leader, and speaker on native traditions and spirituality.  In addition, she is now a published author with her first book, Journeying Between the Worlds: Walking with the Sacred Spirits through Native American Teachings and Practices.

She is a visionary with insights entrusted to her by tribal elders and teachers of many North and South American Nations.  Her power is strong, and her abilities have earned her recognition by the Carney Circle as Siba Rakan—Stone of Power, Warrior of Stone–an honor awarded only to the strongest who are charged with sharing Tiano Spirituality with the world.

Eagle Skyfire enlightens others with truth and acceptance of their Earth walk.  “To be truly happy and fulfilled, we need to share our gifts with each other,” she says.  She teaches people to empower themselves to come into wholeness, and to stand solidly on their own.  “In this way, one is taught to be in touch and connected with the sacredness within oneself and all of life,” she says.

140407-5536-skyfire-smAs a seer, teacher, priestess, and shaman, her gifts link people around the world with their own profound wisdom regarding their life purpose and reason for being.  She gently reconnects people with Great Mystery, Creation, and the Sacred within and around them.   Many who seek her out often are at a crossroads in their lives.  With compassion and gentle understanding, she leads those who desire it toward centeredness and transformational change by getting to the heart of a problem, seeing all possibilities for a solution, and helping to clarify choices.

Her namesake, the Eagle, is the Spirit Keeper of the East on the Medicine Wheel.  The Direction of the East brings the gift of the rising sun– a place of new beginnings, clarity, illumination coupled with wisdom.  It represents the Breath and Fire of the Great Spirit and the vitality of the life-force itself.

Eagle Skyfire offers private consultations and readings by appointment, in person, or by telephone or Skype to people around the world.  She also presents workshops and lectures on shamanism, prophecies, self-healing, empowerment and walking in balance with all our Relations.  Check Calendar & Events for her current schedule of readings, lectures, and workshops, or contact her for an appointment or inquiry.