Finding Home within the Heart In my latest book, Finding Home within the Heart of the Earth, shares with you techniques to make your space happier, healthier, and more productive. With simple and easy to understand steps, you can reduce stress, worry and be more at peace in the place you call home, work, and […]
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Accepting Registrations for Shamanism Courses Now
by Eagle Skyfire onHello, my friends, many of you have asked to be notified when these courses were going to be starting again. Open enrollment is only offered a few times per year. They are being held on different days and times depending on the location. I have included the link so that you may register for them […]
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NEW! Finding Home within the Heart of the Earth Classes
by Eagle Skyfire onIt is finally here! Finding Home within the Heart of the Earth is my method that I developed through the synthesis of Native American spirituality and shamanic practices, many years of experience in the field, and my own intuitive gifts. Learn to craft the space of your dreams to increase well-being, prosperity, and creativity in […]
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New Fire Ceremony: A Native American New Year Celebration
by Eagle Skyfire onDecember 19th, from 3:30 PM, ET – 5:00 PM, ET (Cost: $30) Winter Solstice is the Native American New Year. This is a special ceremony celebrating the Season of Light, and for releasing what no longer serves you as we open to new possibilities. Join me as I give the teachings and messages for the […]
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New Book Update!
by Eagle Skyfire onMy thanks to all of you for supporting me. I was so surprised when the Author’s First Run books sold out in a handful of hours! If you want a signed copy for the holidays please contact Moonstone and Sage and specify that. There is a limited supply still available, but they are going quickly. […]
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Medicine Wheel Teachings and Gathering
by Eagle Skyfire onDue to COVID-19 to ensure everyone’s safety all offerings will be virtual until further notice. Tomorrow Night! Medicine Wheel Meditation and Building Your Personal Medicine Wheel: Honoring the Earth Renewal Moon on December 9th The Medicine Wheel meditation is from 6:30 PM, ET for half an hour. (Cost $15.) I will share the teachings for […]
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New Book!
by Eagle Skyfire onIncrease hygge in your home and prosperity in your work space by working in harmony with nature. Whether you are looking to renew the energy of your place or design a new one this book will help you to accomplish this. The Heart of the Earth method is a very successful technique that I developed […]
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December Celebrations & Offerings
by Eagle Skyfire onNo one can deny that this year has been a real humdinger. As grateful as we are for the lessons of 2020 we are even more enthusiastic to welcome 2021! Why not prepare for it by releasing negative vibrations with a shamanic tune-up and getting profound insight into your new year with a reading? Connect […]
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NEW! Virtual Autumn Equinox Celebration
by Eagle Skyfire onPlease join me to welcome in the autumn and the Great Bear who watches over this season. I will share the special teachings and specific messages for the fall. This will be a wonderful time to join in peace and fellowship with the changing of the season. I will also be giving a special blessing […]
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NEW! Special Event! Creating Your Personal Medicine Wheel (Workshop): Autumn Edition
by Eagle Skyfire onThis workshop is specifically about going deeper with the teachings of the Great Bear and how they relate to your personal Medicine Wheel. This is very important to understand since the Power of the West is all about transformation so that you may evolve further on your spiritual journey and deepen your connection to your […]
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