In-Person Past Life Spring Series
Your past incarnations hold the key to understanding why your life and certain relationships are the way they are. The type of karma you have determines what kind of people and situations are attracted to you.
Eagle Skyfire shares Native American shamanic teachings and will guide you on a journey to see the past life that will open the door to the insights you seek. It creates a firm starting point to delve further into the the topic you wish to explore.
When: Last Thursday of the month.(except for March) Time: 6:00 PM, EDT to 7:30 PM, ET. Cost: $60. Each
February 27th: Understanding Your Fears
When you fear things that you can’t correlate to an event in this life, then it is most likely due to what happened to you in a past incarnation. In this workshop, Eagle Skyfire will safely guide you to the incarnation where the fear began and initial steps to release it. Registration: Past Life In-Person Workshop: Understanding Your Fears
March 13th: Attracting Better Fortune
Your actions and the motivation behind them are one of the key elements that create the fortune/ luck that you experience. Eagle Skyfire guides you on a journey to a past life where your karma established the luck you experience in this life. She will also share thoughts and teachings and how to improve and attract better fortune. Registration: Past Life In-Person Workshop: Attracting Better Fortune
April 24th: Past Life and Life Purpose
Events in previous incarnations can greatly influence how you wish to express your life purpose in this one. The karma of that past life also determines what resources will be given to you and events you may encounter in this one to fulfill it. Eagle Skyfire will guide you on a journey to give you insights on these important elements and discuss how to apply what you’ve learned. Registration: Past Life In-Person Workshop: Past Life and Life Purpose