Hello, my friends, I’m creating a page on my website where you can register for any and all of the meditations and workshops for this year. The new page will be up next week. Meditations last a half hour where I share the traditional teachings of that Moon. These teachings allow you to get in […]
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Virtual Medicine Wheel Teachings This Wednesday, October 26th
by Eagle Skyfire onThere will be two virtual events on each date. One will be a Medicine Wheel Meditation. The second virtual event, “Building Your Personal Medicine Wheel is where you discover which Power Animal will be guiding you personally throughout this Moon and on your life’s path. Long Snows Moon I share the teachings of the Long […]
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New Visions Holistic Expo. August 13th & 14th
by Eagle Skyfire onThis event wonderful event is celebrating its 2oth year! I am proud to be part of the New Visions Expo. Admission is only $7. per day or $10. for a weekend pass. I will be doing readings on August 13th and 14th. New Visions Holistic Expo Tickets My lecture will be on Sunday at 1:00PM, […]
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Medicine Wheel Teachings Tonight at 6:00 PM, EDT
by Eagle Skyfire onRipe Berries Moon There will be two virtual events on this day. One will be a Medicine Wheel Meditation. I share the teachings of the Ripe Berries Moon and how to walk in harmony with it. The second virtual event, “Building Your Personal Medicine Wheel: Ripe Berries Moon (#20) ” is where you discover which […]
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Happy 4th of July!
by Eagle Skyfire onHappy Birthday, USA!!! As we celebrate our freedom take a moment to honor those who sacrificed and those who continue to serve. May your day be as joyous and bright as the fireworks in the sky tonight!
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Midsummer Expo. July 9th & 10th
by Eagle Skyfire onThis event is growing larger and more popular by the year! I am excited to be part of the Midsummer Holistic Expo. Admission is only $5. per day. I will be doing readings on July 9th and 10th. PLUS I will be the keynote speaker. The lecture is a separate paid event. Admission for my […]
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Medicine Wheel Teachings Postponed to June First
by Eagle Skyfire onHello, my friends, I am slowly but surely getting caught up with everything. Tonight’s Medicine Wheel teachings will be postponed to next Wednesday. They will start at the usual time. If you wish to register for them the link is below. I hope you have a happy Memorial Day weekend. See you next week. Strong […]
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This Wednesday Night! Corn Planting Moon Meditation and Workshop at 6:00 PM, EDT
by Eagle Skyfire onHello, my friends, I’m resending this announcement again since it didn’t go through the first time. Tomorrow will be the Medicine Wheel meditation and the in-depth teaching of the Corn Planting Moon. Please note the time change. Both the meditation and the workshop will be starting a half hour earlier from now on. The Medicine Wheel […]
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YouTube Video Delayed Until Tommorrow
by Eagle Skyfire onHello, my friends, tonight’s video will be delayed another day. Truth is time ran faster than I could. It took me longer to play “catch up” from the holidays. I always want to give you my best so I need postpone the video in order to do just that. I thank you for your patience. […]
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TONIGHT! Frogs Return Meditation and Workshop at 6:30 PM, EDT
by Eagle Skyfire onThe Medicine Wheel is the symbol of the spiritual path of Native Americans. It is both a natural and spiritual calendar. By connecting with the Medicine Wheel you become more attuned with the natural world, and gain personal insights to guide you in daily life. There are two ways that you can join me virtually […]
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