Co-operation is the Answer

These are strange times indeed. In truth, I don’t recall any similar event like this ever happening in my lifetime. One thing is for certain, it is overturning the normal routines across the entire globe. It is interesting to see what is coming to the surface. In some cases it is greed and the wrongful desire to take advantage of those who are in need, but for the vast majority I’ve seen something wonderful happening. In this time when the world is being made to slow down, people are discovering each other as a human family once again.

I remember many decades ago when I was young apprentice. A world crisis like what we are experiencing had been foreseen in visions by many seers. We were receiving a teaching about how to prepare and what to do when the event would eventually happen.  The teacher said to store food for at least three months and weapons to defend oneself. We were told to prepare for the worst. After he was done speaking to us, we all fell silent for a while pondering over what he shared. I recall asking one very specific question to my Medicine teacher. I asked him what if we were on the road and away from our home and supplies. What then? He looked at me very seriously and said that we had better have a way of defending ourselves and hope to survive fighting to get back home. I remember feeling that the answer was not only unsettling, it just plain did not feel right.

Fast-forward a decade or so and I remember sitting with the Council of Grandmothers when the same topic came up. I saw my opportunity to ask the same question because the answer that my first teacher gave me still did not sit well with me after all those years. After I had related to the Grandmothers the advice that I’d been given, they sat back and smiled at each other. One of them replied kindly:  Did I not know that the answer would be the same as it always was?   I looked back at her with an expression that was mixture of confusion and dread. She reassured me that the solution was one that has helped us as a global family to survive successfully through wars, natural disasters, plague, and horrible events. The Grandmother said the solution was and always will be cooperation. It is only in the spirit of benevolent, universal cooperation and compassion that we will make it through any calamity or crisis and be okay. The other Grandmothers added the wisdom to share those things that are much more precious than money. Learning and sharing skills that could help to ease suffering, and to make life easier amongst us as we rebuild. The whole world is our family.

Although I know that what we can do for each other might be limited because of the need to not congregate or to be in close contact with each other, there still is plenty that we can do. Whether you realize it or not, this is a tremendous opportunity within our country and as a global family to reset how things are done. The time to choose whether we as individuals and as a global family will choose to shed Light or Darkness. It has been my joy to see that most people choose Light. Be realistic, but optimistic. Safely share what you can to lift others up and you will find that the same gift will be given to you. Telling a funny story, the sharing of needed supplies, or checking up on each other has much more power than you know. Just knowing that you are seen and cared for gives a sense of security, comfort and community. 

To those of you who are Light workers (indeed I firmly believe that all of us have that capacity in varying degrees) realize that this global crisis is one of the reasons why you were born at this time! It goes far beyond simply sharing talks and lectures. It is time to use the spiritual gifts we have so that others may reclaim hope and inspiration to make the world better than it was before. It is our responsibility to help people to confront their fears and shadows and to guide them to overcome these things in healthy ways, especially now during this time of growing distress.

I know that for introverts and empaths, this is a blessed time because the world has quieted down and you can rest and recover in your homes. All of us would do well by following that example by reconnecting with ourselves, and with each other in meaningful ways. Take this time to dive into your interests or learning a new skill. Be active in offering solutions and participating in making them happen. Now is the perfect moment to restructure how things have been done and make them better within our own lives, within organizations, and governments. I, for one, am looking forward to being able to help others to see the opportunity in this time. I’m not blind to the fact that there is illness and death that is occurring with this Coronavirus. In truth, I would be one who is considered to be in a high-risk category. However, this will not discourage me from reaching out as I can to others so they can understand that there is chance to create a better tomorrow. Contribute to this movement by a sharing of ideas and viewpoints to resolve problems. Brainstorming develops better solutions for future generations of our world. Honest, open and respectful dialogue is the key. All of us hold a piece of the answer.

I just wanted to share these thoughts as I sit underneath Maya’s tree playing an ancestral flute. Cool breezes blow by me as white clouds chase across an aquamarine sky. The birds are singing, and the trees about me are about to burst into bloom. Life is all around us and we are a part of it! Let’s focus on making it better than it was before.

This is the time of great awakening! It this time to rise to the occasion!


2 replies on “Co-operation is the Answer

  • Chari

    Yes! Your message feels really right to me. When I once asked a spiritual teacher why so many Jews were killed during the Holocaust, she told me that souls / spirits lined up to take part in the event. I’ve been seeing and hearing many stories of cooperation and support and my heart expands each time I hear those stories. Your words are giving me context to understand what is going on. Thank you from my heart to yours.

    • Eagle Skyfire

      Hello, Chari;
      Thank you so much for taking the time to write to me & for reading my post. Seems like you & I had a similar experience. I am going to devote myself to helping others not lose hope. I want to try to inspire others to use this time to create a better tomorrow by doing things differently than before. I believe in us!


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